Be Earnest

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going (Eccl.9.10).

The period while breath is available must be used purposefully. It is a privilege to be alive and being alive means another chance to be useful for God and humanity. The past few months brought about many strange occurrences that led to the end of many. It is imperative to live a very intentional life. That begins with a sense of mission because a life without a vision is just heading to no destination. Daily activities should have bearing on the eternal destiny of the believer.

The reality of all thinking, emotions and work when we are no more doesn’t hit home for many while they are alive. We plan for everything except when we are no more and unfortunately, nobody lives forever. To be Earnest is to seize the moments and make the best of them. Every passing moment must be invested into the future. I date say, into eternity. Interestingly, you are gifted to the world to be a blessing, your thoughts, your words and your deeds will be recorded in the books of history.

I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work (John.9.4).

Jesus emphasised the need to seize the moment while it is possible. The night signifies the period when there is no more ability, life or opportunities. Do you understand your day period? It is imperative to do what we have to do while the opportunity is there. Are you seizing the moments?

© Olusola John.