For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye (Zech.2.8).
The ultimate aim of God for human race is to make us His beloved. That is the summary of Jesus task on earth. We are the apple of his eyes. This is often difficult for many to understand, that we are not only cherished but we are protected beyond any power of evil. The mindset of security has to be the lot of the believer. Too many times, believers have ascribed too much relevance and power to the devil. The stake heaven has on the believer is too much to be wasted. Jesus wouldn’t have died for you only for God not to be able to keep you from the powers of evil.
The illusion and ignorant mindset that arrogate so much power to the Kingdom of darkness stem from poor knowledge of the word of God. It is for lack of knowledge that people perish. There must be a conscious effort to know your covenant rights in the Lord. A child of God is a threat to the kingdom of darkness, therefore he cannot be at the mercy of the same powers. Whatever or whoever touches you, touches God and He wouldn’t watch you molested without protecting you. Do you know who you believe?
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD (Isa.54.17).
You cannot continue to live in fear while neglecting the provisions of Calvary. You have right to enjoy divine protection from every assault of the enemy. Believe and confess your safety until it becomes your reality. No weapon is permitted to work against you. Keep your confidence in the Lord intact. You shall not be put to shame. Hallelujah!
© Olusola John.