But you, do not be called “Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren (Matt.23.8).
For some reasons, human beings are title freak. Or better still, they want to be honoured. It is part of the human nature to receive accolades. However, there is a dimension of it that becomes flattery. And flattery, like sugar is poisonous. Jesus said you should be comfortable to answer Brethren (i.e. Brother or Sister). Casual as that name may be, it is a Covenant name that carries so much depth and meaning. It immediately traces your origin to the common sacrifices Christ paid to bring us together as a family.
A story was told of a minister who loved titles, so he would wear a t-shirt with the inscriptions, Apostle, Prophet and Evangelist. The names were arranged in that order but each time he appears, people tend to see the first three words – APE. Each time we make efforts to be addressed as anything, all we show forth is our insecurities. Although accepting to be called Brother/Sister means we are exposing our vulnerability. It requires we love unconditionally and be opened to whatever comes. It is not a license for misbehaviour though. It is a Covenant name.
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”(John.13.35)
Beneath the name we answer is the responsibility that lies with such relationship. We are called to show love to one another beyond race, ethnic affiliations, social status since we are bound together in love. Therefore, our familail titles bring us to the remembrance of our collective responsibility. We are Brethren. Hallelujah!
© Olusola John.