Heb.13.2 – Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels._Hospitality is one of the juices that sweeten the human relationships. It is the ability to care for others in such a way that their needs are met even without them asking for help. It includes giving food to strangers, accommodating them, courtesy and receiving people warmly.
It was recorded that Abraham entertained some visitors that passed through his house. Unknown to him, he was taking care of the angels that would bring his long awaiting answer. It is good to be hospitable. This virtue was so vital that God commanded the Israelites to make it a law.
See this,
Also you shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the heart of a stranger, because you were strangers in the land of Egypt
(Exod.23.9). Since we are limited in understanding, you cannot claim to have been settled for life. A host today could be a guest tomorrow. A stranger today, may be a host tomorrow. The milk of kindness is what strangers must be served.
It costs a little to be hospitable. But it begins with a willing and sacrificial heart. Once your heart accommodates people, you will be willing to go the extra mile. Hospitable people are not necessarily rich. They do it because they know it is right. They also know that they will never be in lack. It has a reward. As individualism spreads across cultures, it is important to remember that hospitality is part of the kingdom virtues.
Savour with Sola John