Prov.17.17 – A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.
Relationship is a gift whether a brother, friend, parent or mentor. And no one can function alone. It is usually said that no man is an island, just as a tree does not make a forest. A friend loves at all times.
A friend is someone who has your back. We are good at managing our strength but often need support in our weak moments. A friend undertakes for you when you are vulnerable. The operative word for a friend is love. It is love that covers multitudes of sins hatred.
A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Prov.18.24).
The kingdom of God offers such relationships and friends that share same goal of establishing righteousness but a person who has friends must be friendly. How much are you putting into building your relationships with others? Are you found of accusing people of not looking out for you or you’re genuinely concerned for those who are lonely?
Beyond our cravings for relevance, wealth and power is the need to love and be loved. Make out time to be a friend to somebody. We all need love. Stay blessed.
Savour with Sola John.