Fan your Gift
Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership (1Tim.4.14).
Gifts and talents don’t come refined. They come raw. It is the responsibility of the bearer to make sure the gift is operational. This is very important if you must be a blessing to others, which is required in stewardship. When these gifts are given, it is not specified where and when to start using them. However, it behooves on the gifted person to seek outlets for expression of the gifts. This requires humility because it is about service and not ruling others.
Also, any gift that is not used will become obsolete and eventually die. This is one of the reasons you must take your gifts seriously. Your faithfulness will determine if you will grow in it or not. Hence, you are the determinant of the outcomes of your gift. But someone said, “isn’t it God who works in us both to do and to will of His good pleasure?” Yes, He is but he cannot force you to do anything if you are not willing.
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry (1Tim.1.12).
If you are talented in any area, it is a trust from God and you must not break that trust. In stewardship, it is required that one be found faithful. Your gifts will grow to the level you polish it and make it available for God to use. This is why you are here to be of benefits to others through your talents. Ministry is service and there are always opportunities to serve. Get to work. Peace!
© Olusola John.