God is faithful!
But as God is faithful, our word to you was not Yes and No (2Cor.1.18).
The truth of God’s faithfulness is best appreciated by those who have experienced it. You can testify when you experience a thing. Little wonder the scriptures say, “taste and see that the Lord is good.” God’s faithfulness is not dependent on the believer’s performance. Many a times we fall into the mindset that what we do is what moves God into action, that is not true. God loves his children irrespective of their performances. His love is unconditional. In relating with Him, this truth must be stamped upon your heart if you will enjoy walking with God.
God’s faithfulness has more to do with His nature than how we respond to Him. He loves the world that He gave Jesus to die for us. When you accept to follow Him, He makes all grace available to make this possible. He is very much aware of our frailty, so He is not taken by surprise when we err. The thinking that your sin, mistake or error can reduce the Love of God for you is flawed. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. No sin can drown the love of God.
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself (2Tim.2.12-13).
The integrity of God’s faithfulness has nothing to do with you. It is about Himself. It is important to bear this in mind as we relate with Him. He is a Father that loves His children without reservation. Rather than punish you for your mistakes, He corrects in love because no one can stand the anger of God. He is a consuming fire who has chosen to operate in love, so He could approach us in our low estate. Hallelujah!
© Olusola John.