His Prayer

Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Rom.8.27).

Often prayers have been conceived by many to mean a one way traffic to reach God. As you learn more, you make it a conversation to express your burdens to Him. Much more, prayer can be God moving through your spirit to intercede for others. This is not a familiar terrain for some believers because of the fear of delving into the unknown. As you give yourself more and more to God, there is a stirring that takes place within, yearning to commune with your father in the place of prayers. Sometimes, you know what you should pray about, though not your primary choice. At other times, you have no idea except to groan.

This aspect of prayers is God sharing burdens with you about issues that require urgent attention. You may hear Him telling you to pray for a popular figure or even unknown persons with specific name. Other times, it could be burdens that you cannot find words to express. Whatever the case may be, it is a call to prayer at a deeper level. The spirit of God within us often desires to commune with the Father, share His burden and to pray as a means of discharging the burden. Such prayer is an invitation to God to intervene in human situations.

Pray without ceasing (1Thess.5.17).

Praying without ceasing is only possible when we understand prayers from this point of view that it is not just what you feel like doing when in trouble or occasionally. Prayer is the spirit of God in you stirring you up to speak to your Father on behalf of the Brethren.

© Olusola John