More than Words
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers (Eph.4.29).
Yesterday, we considered the use of swearing in our daily conversations and how it is wrong for the believer. Our text today recommends that we avoid words that are abusive, or foul language. Rather we should use words that are good and helpful to the hearers. This is very important because what happens during conversation is more than just speaking. You are either impacting grace or corrupting your hearer.
It is important to note that words can either build up or destroy. To edify means to build up. It means to encourage, build up or help to make a person better. Each time you have a conversation with people, you’re either building them up or destroying them. The same thing is also happening to you knowingly or unknowingly. We can impart grace, encourage or build up with our words. And so we can also destroy with our words.
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one (Col.4.6).
As we dig further, the divine expectation for us is that we are always gracious in our speech, seeking to bring out the best in others instead of cutting them down. In that way, it is easier to know how to respond to everyone. Some people don’t deserve your response especially when they provoke you. I must admit to have failed in this direction sometimes. Our goal is to minister grace to our hearers. Our words must always be spicy and juicy but not flattery.
© Olusola John.