Newness Always
Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day (2Cor.4.16).
The experiences that could be counted as painful are opportunities for learning new things and becoming refreshed. It is often said that battles are the breakfast of champions. Paul said, the body may be receiving deadly blows but the spirit is getting renewed daily. Hallelujah! Situations that try to bury you is only sowing you as a seed. Out of the ashes of your dying is coming forth a new you. The tears of today will bring you into the joy of tomorrow. You are not a candidate for sympathy. You’re blessed beyond the afflictions of the moment.
The difference for Paul was understanding and perspective. He knew the faithfulness of God will never fail. Also, as a called soldier of Christ, he was aware that training does not equate punishments. Therefore, every bad time for him was an opportunity to give thanks and to understand that better days are not far away. He was rejoicing in hard times because he understood that hard times only fulfil its part of the training.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Rom.5.5).
The secret of joy in the midst of tribulation is to know that hope does not disappoint. Remain hopeful even in a seemingly dead situation. Abraham hoped against hope and God came through for him. No situation is permitted to overshadow you. God is your cover always.
© Olusola John