No to Laziness

…nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you (2Thess.3.8).

There is honour in labour. As popularly said, he who does not work should not eat. The divine way of living productively is to be engaged in activities that generate income or that is productive enough to sustain a person. Paul as an Apostle modeled this life to show that nobody has excuses for not getting his hands dirty. It is not right to lay back and live off other people’s sweat, without getting engaged with something productive. A lot of people don’t understand that laziness is a sin. You are created to work. God worked and created Adam, gave him assignments to take care of the garden.

Overtime, I have noticed that ego could make a person lazy. Some people think they are too educated or woked to take certain jobs. But they are burdens to others. Unfortunately, they have choices that even an income earner may not have. The need to lay hand on whatever is available and get to work cannot be overemphasized. It helps to engage the mind and body. Most times, better days do come for people who are ashamed to begin little. A graduate of Physics once took a menial job until the day he met a person that noticed his refined attitude, and asked how educated he was. The man collected his CV and got him another job.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going (Eccl.9.10).

You may not always get what you want regarding to jobs but you can always start with what is available. Building career is like a ladder, you keep climbing until you rise up to the desired place. Failure to begin little may mean unwillingness to grow. He who does not work should not eat, that is the biblical injunction. Work is not a curse. It is rather a blessing because it keeps the body fit and help provides means of lively hood.

© Olusola John.