He has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly (Luke.1.52).
Promotion neither comes from above for those who trust in the Lord. It is God who lifts up from the low places and place people among princes. Hannah mentioned this in her prayers and Mary confirmed it. It is God’s specialty to elevate people as they remain faithful to Him. Mary did not bargain to be the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ neither was she the most qualified. From the expression of the Angel, we discovered that Mary found favour with God. That is the blessedness of divine promotion – finding favour before God.
In walking with God, there are areas you must pay attention to especially when you desire elevation. It begins with the private tests of faithfulness, integrity, honesty and unknown battles. You need to pay attention to them. Winning the secret battles prepares you for the public elevation. God doesn’t just lift people because they are lowly, He lifts them because they have what it takes to be among the princes but they were not born into the royal family. He networks them to the high places to showcase what they’ve got.
For exaltation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another (Ps.75.6-7).
God judges and places people that is befitting to their capacity. Joseph had what it took to be prime minister but had no connection, God placed him. Daniel and his friends had the required wisdom to be among princes but had no access, they were taken into slavery and promoted. It is wrong to desire promotion when you are not equipped with the character, skill set and leadership qualities to function among princes. Pay attention to these areas and promotion with surely come your way. Shalom!
© Olusola John.