Sworn Enemies

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you (John.15.18).

The Christian race is a pilgrimage,
meaning it will be long, demanding and engaging. It means there’s need for courage at every point in time. However, there are places the believer should not look for succor. One of such places is the world. The world represents a system and people who have no regard for Christ and all that is associated with Him. Their natural response for the Faithful believers in Him is hatred. They cannot offer anything better.

It is possible that seeking for solace in the world is borne out of the need to be understood or validated. It is better accepted that the operation of the world system focuses on celebrating their own stars who play the game by the rules approved of them. However, Christ never misunderstood what the world system stands for. It has never been a friend to the kingdom citizen and never will. Don’t be deceived.

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him (1John.3.1).

If the believer must seek validation, it should be from his Master. Understanding and accepting the love of God is the antidote to seeking approval from the world. If you ever have the support of the world on the path of righteousness, be sure that it is a ploy to derail, beware!

© Olusola John