The Mind of Christ

For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ (1Cor.2.16).

The mind of Christ is what was given to every believer at salvation. It is the mind that is soundly submissive to God in thoughts and reasoning. It is a mind that is not lifted up to vanity. It is a mind full of love and wisdom. With this mind, Christ humbled himself to come in the nature of man until his death on the Cross. Contrary to what Adam had in the garden, Christ’ mind was not rebellious.

Christ could claim equality with God but He didn’t. The mind he had did not focus on high things. He came with a mindset to simply do all that God required of Him without making noise about His purpose. All He did were as recorded of Him in the volume of the books. He was emphatic that he did nothing except what He saw God doing. He had a mind dependent on the Holy Spirit, not an independent mind.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil.2.5).

The admonition is for us to let the same mind be in us as it was in Christ. The importance of mind transformation is very relevant to our walk. A mind that is not transformed is counterproductive to a sound spiritual walk. Contrary to what Adam had after the fall, we have a sound mind in Christ. We have the capacity to walk in humility without feeling humiliated. We have the capacity for a productive life that is not limited. Amen.

© Olusola John.