The original plan

He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so (Matt.19.8).

Jesus responded to an argument with such a statement that calls for investigation. “From the beginning, it was not so.” Imagine arguing about something and someone tells you that all you know about it isn’t the correct information. Imagine the shock! How correct is the knowledge you have about yourself, your career, your vision, your perspective about life?

Sometimes, you hear people talk and you wonder, who gave them the perspectives they hold on to tenaciously? Do they really understand the details of what they believe? When Adam sinned, he hid from God with the excuse that he was naked. God asked him, “who told you you were naked?” It is appropriate to investigate certain information we carry about. How original are they in conformity with the plans of God? Are you operating under the permissive will of God?

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom.12.2).

Ultimately, there is the perfect will of God. To operate at the permissive will of God is to function sub-optimally. We can attain to the peak of God’s expectations, connect with the original intent of God and enjoy all that is prepared for us by renewing our minds with the word of God.

There is no need to settle for any kind of knowledge when we can access the good, acceptable and perfect will of Don’t adjust the plans due to eventualities, God is able to make happen all He told you. Amen.