Not Today

And the mother of the child said, “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So he arose and followed her (2Kgs.4.30).

This is the story of a woman who had a delayed child birth and the prophet prayed for her to conceive. The child suddenly died, so she went to the prophet to pray to restore the child’s life. Sometimes in life, you need to disagree with the devil that your problem will not survive another day. She told herself that her need for divine intervention will not survive another day. Similar to what the woman in Luke 18 did by mounting pressure on the unjust Judge till she was avenged of her enemy. It is important to always stand your ground until heaven responds to you. Too many people have alternatives, hence waiting for heaven is like a waste of time.

There is a disposition that gets help almost all the time. It is the attitude that refuses to give up, even in prayers amidst opposition’s. The injunction is for you to ask and keep asking. Then seek and keep seeking or just keep knocking. Persistence is a rare virtue that we must cultivate. Our generation has so many offers posing as viable alternatives to God. It is your responsibility to put them where they belong. Those who have alternatives to God don’t exercise patience well enough to receive from above.

And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? (Luke.18.7).

Those who cry to heaven day and night will have answers to their prayers. There is an attitude in prayers that receives everytime because it has no alternatives. It is the continuous fervent prayers of the righteous that makes tremendous power available. Keep praying until the answer comes. Heaven will give answer when you consistently ask, seek or knock. There is no impossibility with God. Amen.

@ Olusola John