Taming your Desires
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any (1Cor.6.12).
The new covenant believer enjoys liberty to take decisions as led by the spirit of God. S/he is free from entanglements and laws that limits. However, there is a major caution on the way to decision making, not every permissible decision is profitable. There is the need to approach issues from the point of profitability to the kingdom rather than self aggrandizement. Not every lawful venture is profitable for the kingdom and the need to have a wholistic view must drive every decision the new covenant believer makes.
The faith we profess in Christ makes Him our Saviour and Lord which means, He has the final say when it comes to our choices. The concept of lordship means He owns us absolutely, hence we are subject to His will at every point in time. To be brought under the power of anything outside of Christ is to dishonour the Lord of your life. The life is consecration is not permitted to act unilaterally without checking up with God.
You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men (1Cor.7.23).
You have an owner that is neither man nor things. You were bought with the blood of Jesus, so you should not be a slave to human beings nor things. You should be owned in totality by Christ who paid the price with his blood for your remission. Most people fear that the instructions they will receive from God could be limiting. Well, every instruction is for your own good. Though his commandments are not grievous. All things may be lawful to you but not all things are profitable for you.
© Olusola John.