What is Love?

And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it (2John.1.6).

Jesus summarized the whole commandments into two: one, to love God and the second to love our neighbors. The above text states that love is to follow his instructions. Any definition of love that does not include yielding, following and obedience is not complete. Truth is, you cannot love without showing it. Love is active and never passive. It reveals itself in the attitude of the lover. It is futile to proclaim our love for God with our mouth and no genuine action. God in His love for mankind gave His only Son to show that he loves us.

Let there be love without deception, pretence or prejudice. Our love must be demonstrated by action, in following the commandments of God as relates to obeying Him. Also, we demonstrate our love for God by accepting the Brethren and walking with them in faithfulness of heart. The unnecessary demand that people behave in certain ways is a not an act of love. There must be tolerance, kindness and understanding amongst us. Love suffers long and it is not easily provoked.

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love (1John.4.8).

If we claim to love God, then we will love people and this will not be in words alone. Every word must be followed with action, to express the love of God. The beauty of this is that grace is made available for us to walk the talk. Loving God is loving the Brethren.

© Olusola John.