Words of Wisdom
Wise words are like deep waters;
wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook (Prov.18.4).
One of the key difference of humans from the animal kingdom is the ability to express ourselves in words. Word gives the freedom to express thoughts, share ideas, communicate passionately and much more teach wisdom. Wisdom is the quality of having experience and good judgement. It is basically expressed in words, which is like to deep waters. Meaning is not on the surface. It takes patience to enjoy it from the man who has it. They are often spoken in capsule form that must be decipher.
Wisdom is expressed in wit, silence and tact that can be both beautiful and stunning. It is not hasty in response. For example Solomon gave judgements that left people dumbfounded. How do you share a baby between two people? Jesus answered certain questions with another question because He knew their intention. Wisdom is not hasty but discreet. I’ve heard people say, “I don’t know how to answer your question.” It’s a sign that you need wisdom. With wisdom, you don’t get stranded in conversation. At best, you maintain silence. When words of wisdom are spoken, it flows like a stream of water..
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction (Prov.1.7).
To fear God is the very stating point of walking in wisdom. When one fears God, he keeps his commandments. In the fear of God is a deep learning to understand the way systems work. It gives you a divine perspective to issues that is rare to come by. The Bible is full of wisdom that can be sipped as we interact with it.
© Olusola John.